
28 April 2014

Barocco dal Santo Sepolcro. L’immagine di Gerusalemme nelle Prealpi

Galleria Canesso, Lugano (Switzerland).   11/04/2014 - 01/06/2014 This exhibit showcases five paintings in canvas and one silver relief in Neapolitan Baroque style. These magnificent works of art ...

16 April 2013

Treasure of the Holy Sepulchre. European royal courts to Jerusalem

Palace of Versailles, Paris.   16/04/2013 - 14/07/2013 The exhibition presents 250 unknown masterpieces from one of the last treasures of the Occident, the treasure of the Holy Sepulchre. Sent ...

18 March 2006

Bread, Daily and Divine

“Bread, Daily and Divine” – The Israel Museum – 2006.  Our daily bread contains a myriad of hidden meanings that we are not always aware of. The process of making bread – kneading the ...

18 February 2000

In Terrasanta dalla Crociata alla Custodia dei Luoghi Santi

Palazzo Reale, Milan.   17/02/2010 - 21/05/2010 Starting from the complex relations between Christians and Muslims during the Crusaders' period, the exhibit focuses on the history of the ...

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