The “couriers”: The “guardian angels” of the Terra Sancta Museum Art & History
International exhibitions of the Terra Sancta Museum Art & History collections are not only an opportunity to publicize our project, but also to benefit from the expertise of other museum professionals. The exhibition “Treasures from Kings. Masterpieces from the Terra Sancta Museum” which was held in late 2023/early 2024 at Lisbon's Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, is a case in point.
Terra Sancta Museum: the Popes' showcase in the Holy Land
In the Holy Land, the cradle of Christianity, the tomb of Jesus Christ unites Christians of all denominations in a profound act of faith. This ancestral bond has led popes over the centuries to donate precious objects to the Holy Places, affirming the spiritual importance of these sites for the Church as a whole.
The Medici and Jerusalem
What link did the Medici family have with the Holy Land? And what prestigious gift did they give to the Holy Sepulcher? Franz Joseph Klos continues to explore the links between Tuscany and the Holy ...
The Holy Land in the eyes of Tuscan pilgrims
Legend has it that the "first Frank soldier hoisted" on the walls of Jerusalem in 1099, was Tuscan. This autumn, in Florence, a major exhibition will be inaugurated: "The Treasure of the Holy Land at ...
2024 exhibition : the Terra Sancta Museum unites Compostela and Jerusalem
It was at the Cidade da Cultura, the high spot of Galician culture, that “Tesouros reais. Obras mestras do Terra Sancta Museum” was inaugurated on 21st March. The exhibition, to which entry is ...
Exhibition at the Gulbenkian Museum: "a foretaste of what the Terra Sancta Museum will be like"
The Terra Sancta Museum, represented by Fr. Stéphane Milovitch, Director of the Cultural Office, and Fr. Rodrigo Machado Soares, Master of Ceremonies, was honoured to take part in the opening of the ...