Via Dolorosa

Relive the history of the Holy City

In 15 minutes, visitors experience more than 2000 years of history as episodes from the Gospels are brought to life and the transformation of the city of Jerusalem is retraced. Proceeding from the time of Herod and the condemnation and passion of Christ, to that of Hadrian, the first pilgrims to Jerusalem, Constantine, Omar, Godfrey de Bouillon, Suleiman the Magnificent, and up to today, this immersive section is indispensable for introducing the Way of the Cross and for better understanding the history of the Holy City!

Available in nine languages, this section is suitable for groups of pilgrims as well as for individual visitors. It is particularly appropriate for children, since the multimedia installation, employing of digital animation techniques, presents a dynamic narration sustained by an emotionally moving soundtrack.

An introduction to the way of the cross

Located at the beginning of the Via Dolorosa, the multimedia section is found at the convent of the Flagellation, just in the place which ancient tradition identifies as having been the Antonia Fortress and the Praetorium of Pilate. For this reason, pilgrims exit from this place to follow the Way of the Cross, leading up to Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre.

A visitor can thus begin his travel on the Way of the Cross or his visit to Jerusalem in general by being immersed in an atmosphere composed of the lights, sounds, rumors, stories, and animations of Herod’s epoch, wherein the dramatic events of the Passion, the death and resurrection of Christ took place.

Visitor Comments on TripAdvisor:

“I really appreciated the multimedia section which shows how Jerusalem developed through its long history. I wish many visitors to come and find the time to discover this corner of the city!”

 “It only takes 15 minutes to visit it and will give you a short but very clear overview on the history of the Holy City (and it’s really not expensive).”

 “The Multimedia part is very impressive The staff is very welcoming and kind.”

“A multimedia tale of passion of Jesus before the crucifixion. It looks quite interesting because of them showing 3D images with a nice lamp.”

… Find the other comments by clicking here!

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Discover the multimedia section of Terra Sancta Museum on video!

For travel agents: vouchers are accepted at the entrance of the Terra Sancta Museum. Hours can be flexible.

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