
8 July 2022

The work at the Terra Sancta Museum resumes thanks to support from France and Palestine

On Wednesday 22 June 2022, Fr. Stéphane Milovitch and Fr. Ibrahim Faltas together welcomed Mr René Trocaz, General Consul of France in Jerusalem, accompanied by a delegation of the Palestinian ...

30 June 2022

Art at the service of the encounter with God

In service for the Custody of the Holy Land since 2013, Fra Rodrigo Machado Soares is the master of ceremonies and deputy director of the Department of Cultural Heritage. His two functions, which ...

23 June 2022

When the Mamluk firmans break down the barriers of the churches in Jerusalem

In May 2022, Camille Rouxpetel and Alice Croq came to spend one month in Jerusalem, as part of a research project funded by the National Research Agency (ChrIs-cross) on the history of Jerusalem ...

8 June 2022

To be loved and protected : the catalogues of gold and silver work of the Terra Sancta Museum

Amongst the most important announcements in this first part of the year is the official launch of  new catalogues of gold and silver work. There are now three being compiled for the Terra Sancta ...

30 May 2022

 "As ancient as an olive tree, as young as its fruit" Contest

Are you innovative? Do you have the ability to create a unique, modern, and producible design that is made up of ancient collections from the Terra Sancta Museum? Pro Terra Sancta Association and ...

20 May 2022

Between Threads and Silks: Restoration Work of the Museum

The textile collections of a museum are among its most delicate and challenging objects to conserve, which is why the Terra Sancta Museum devotes so much of its attention to them. Today, we take you ...