
20 June 2019

A museum in a unique place: the Saint Saviour monastery

“The fact of being in the city and not outside the walls, as during the time of their first home on Mount Zion near the Cenacle, meant for the Franciscans a permanent and more regular contact with ...

13 June 2019

Spain and the Custody of the Holy Land

The Spanish presence in the Holy Land dates back to the 13th century, when Aragonese rulers arrived in Egypt to conclude agreements with the Mamluks to protect Christian sanctuaries and their ...

7 June 2019

When the relics of the Custody of the Holy Land manifest the philosophy of the Terra Sancta Museum

To venerate the relics of saints is to recognize the qualities of the latter, their testimony of faith in the name of Jesus, and their intense desire to imitate Him by imploring God through ...

29 May 2019

Story of the first inventory of art objects of Franciscan convents in Cyprus

Eleonora Musicco, a volunteer of ATS pro Terra Sancta in the Cultural Heritage Department of the Custody of the Holy Land and art historian, gives us the story of the first inventory of works of art ...

7 May 2019

The story of the reliquary used for the feast of the Invention of the Cross

This morning, the Holy Sepulcher celebrated the feast of the Invention of the Cross by St. Helena (from the Latin invenire: find). On this occasion, a reliquary in gold and precious stones of the ...

19 April 2019

Funeral of Christ: Franciscan Treasures of Good Friday

Today churches around the world celebrate and commemorate the Passion and death of Jesus Christ. Each year, on the very site where the historical events took place, in the Holy Sepulcher, a ceremony ...