
9 June 2020

Mosaic: evidence of eras, religions and cultures in the Holy Land

Introduction The mosaic constitutes, thanks to its great antiquity, a unique piece heritage in mediterranean art and culture. In particular, the cradle of most antique civilization and crossroads ...

30 April 2020

The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and the Holy Land

The Terra Sancta Museum will have a hall dedicated to the history of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre. The origins of the Order go back to the end of the 11th century when, according to ...

20 April 2020

The Pharmacy of St. Saviour in Jerusalem

A singular patrimony of knowledge in the Middle East A rich collection of jugs, saplings, apothecary vases and jars, pharmacopoeia, recipes and carefully preserved medical records make up the ...

26 March 2020

Medicine in the Holy Land: Symbol of International and Interreligious Charity

Jerusalem, 1785 In 1785 an epidemic of the plague swept the Holy Land. Years later, in 1898, Paolo Gaidano immortalized in a painting, the piety of the Franciscan friars who, without regard for ...

24 March 2020

Χαίρε, Μαρία. Ave Maria. The origins of the Marian cult

The name of the city of Nazareth - which is cited neither in the works of Giuseppe Flavio, nor in Talmud - appeared for the first time in the Gospels. According to saint Luke, the episode of the ...

12 March 2020

Design of the sacred: the new catalogue of liturgical vestments and fabrics

The new catalogue of the Terra Sancta Museum dedicated to sacred vestments, edited by Maria Pia Pettinau Vescina with the contribution of Danièle Véron-Denise, a well-known expert in liturgical and ...