
27 October 2020

Eight months after closing: the museum at the time of the Coronavirus

Eight months have passed since the museum has been closed, and unfortunately it is still difficult to imagine a date on which the doors of the Terra Sancta Museum can reopen to the public. After ...

21 October 2020

In spite of Covid-19, reflection and work continues at the Terra Sancta Museum

Exceptional health situation, exceptional scientific committee. On Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 September 2020, the 6th working session of the Terra Sancta Museum's Scientific Committee was held in ...

15 September 2020

Inauguration in Paris of the exhibition “The guardians of Christ’s tomb”

Every year, more than ten million tourists visit the Basilica of the Sacré Coeur in Paris, the second most visited place in France after the Cathedral of Notre Dame.  As the Sacré Coeur closes the ...

21 August 2020

The Treasure of Bethlehem

The so-called “Treasure of Bethlehem” is one of the most interesting groups of objects of the Terra Sancta Museum. Liturgical findings were discovered accidentally during restoration works that ...

25 June 2020

From Voghera to the Holy Land: Antonio Minghetti, Sculptor of Christianity

In the Holy Land, many countries have contributed to the planning and construction of Christian buildings. One can just think of the Basilica of Gethsemani, also known as the Church of All Nations, ...

16 June 2020

Cultural heritage, education and local community : A new project is launched

The Terra Sancta Museum has officially launched a new project called "Terra Sancta Museum (TSM): A Community Living Museum for Palestinian Youth" (ENI/2019/407-798). Funded by the European Union, the ...