
28 December 2021

Lorraine Abu Azizeh : when architecture and restoration are combined in the Middle East

The Terra Sancta Museum is proud to include in its teams several international experts who have been working for more than five years on it. They include Lorraine Abu Azizeh, a French architect who ...

23 December 2021

“We will be part of this museum”: a museum built hand in hand with the Palestinians

In the middle of the afternoon in the middle of the week, the studious atmosphere can be felt by anyone entering the Technical Department of the Custody of the Holy Land. Sitting at a desk, two ...

21 December 2021

The history of the Catholic parish of Bethlehem at the heart of the Terra Sancta Museum

You all know Bethlehem, the Nativity, its grotto and its star, where you have perhaps been able pray while on a pilgrimage in the Holy Land. But did you know that in the shadow of this shrine there ...

9 December 2021

Eyad Handal : « I felt really proud because they’re protecting objects and artefacts from our heritage, from this land. »

The Terra Sancta Museum aims to present the Christian heritage of the Holy Land and will exhibit rare collections of art produced locally. The portrait of a young Palestinian historian: a look at the ...

10 November 2021

The Holy Land review celebrates 100 years of Christian history

It is about to celebrate its 100th birthday and yet many faithful and people passionate about the Holy Land do not know it. What are we talking about? The magazine of the Franciscans of the Holy ...

1 November 2021

The restoration of the pharmacy of St Saviour, an activity in the heart of the museum

Previously on display in the old museum of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (SBF), in the convent of the Flagellation in Jerusalem, the pharmacy was withdrawn from display in 2013 when work first ...