Our museums in the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City

Terra Sancta Museum – SBF Archaeological Museum located at the Shrine of the Flagellation (Muslim Quarter) where visitors uncover the birthplaces of the Christian faith through an exhibition featuring archaeological discoveries from excavations conducted by the Franciscans since 1863. It consists of three wings:

– one offers a captivating multimedia experience, conceived as an introduction to the way of the cross retracing over 2,000 years of Christian history in just 15 minutes;

– the other two are dedicated to the archaeological finds discovered by the Jerusalem Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (SBF) unearthed in the Holy Places, spanning from the Bronze Age to the Mameluk period.

Terra Sancta Museum – Art and History, located at Saint Saviour Monastery (New Gate, Christian Quarter), will exhibit the priceless Christian artistic heritage of the Custody of the Holy Land, result of generous European and local donations to the Holy Sepulcher. The museum route will be divided into 3 sections:

  • “Oriental Christian art”
  • The history and the missions of the Custody of the Holy Land
  • The Treasure of the Holy Sepulchre.
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