16 June 2020

Cultural heritage, education and local community : A new project is launched


The Terra Sancta Museum has officially launched a new project called “Terra Sancta Museum (TSM): A Community Living Museum for Palestinian Youth” (ENI/2019/407-798). Funded by the European Union, the project aims to contribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage and identity of the local community of the Old City of Jerusalem through the museum’s educational programs and activities.

The Terra Sancta Museum is known for being the first of its kind promoting Jerusalem as an inclusive and open City for everyone and to be a dynamic center opened to visitors of every culture and religion to encourage mutual understanding, respect and peace values among people. 

Since 2017, The Terra Sancta Museum had been working with the collaboration of the Mosaic Center and  Pro Terra Sancta association, on a similar project called “To Learn closely: guided tours to historical and religious sites”, which was a real success with the participation of more than 3000 students from Arab schools in Jerusalem. 

Therefore, through this project a network of public schools, community-based organizations and museums from East Jerusalem will be involved to raise awareness on the importance of the preservation of the historical, cultural and religious heritage of the Holy Land among the local community. And through various activities and events, interaction and dialogue among the local community will be encouraged and promoted, no matter their ethnicity, faith, cultural background and prior knowledge.

This project aims to offer comprehensive learning and educational programs for the local community (children, families, youth, and students) and to promote the museum as a safe friendly learning space.


















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